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Fall Out Bird! The new Flappy Bird?

The very excellent Fall Out Boy have announced that in the chaos and suffering that many have experienced since the removal of the now notoriously difficult but sought after Flappy Bird game, they'll be coming to the rescue with their very own clone.

Fall Out Bird is the bands replica of the game due to release this week on both the google play and apple app stores as soon as it's passed all the relevant processes. We can only hope that not only is the game as difficult and addictive as the original removed title but that additionally it includes music from Fall Out Boy. That'd certainly bring up the enjoyment/frustration level for players depending on your inclination.

I personally never had Flappy Bird, which is a shame given it's ridiculous price on ebay listings, but did play on a friends phone and found it quite enjoyable even if horrendously challenging. As such Fall Out Bird will be getting an immediate download as soon as it's available! Will you download the game? Have you played any other Flappy Bird clones that you reckon we should check out?

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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