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Top 5 Best PS4 Exclusives You Can Get For Cheap

This generation has provided us with some great titles and it is around this time in a consoles life span where you can pick up some great games for little cost. I predict that we are in for some great PS4 exclusives over the next couple of years as the console reaches the autumn of it’s life. I am going to stick to AAA titles but if you mine the indie offering you can get some pretty amazing games for very little. 

1. The Last Guardian (Around £22.00) 

Mention the last guardian to any hardcore PS4 owner and they may shrug their shoulders or even laugh. The game got a bad rep from a legendary development that took well over a whole console generation to come out. The gameplay is flawed (I know I know I am not selling it but stick with me) but the story is incredible, one of the few games that I played and can not get out of my head. For just over 20 quid it is well worth it. 

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2. InFAMOUS Second Son (Around £16.99)

One of the PS4’s very first exclusives and still one of the best. If you have never played a InFAMOUS game then the setup is simple, you jump around the city with some cool as fuck powers and decide whether to be the hero of the villain. Second Son is set in Seattle and the open sandbox city is heaps of fun to muck around in. The game is constantly on sale and I have seen it for £10.00 brand new before. 

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3. Until Dawn (Around £17.00)

If you like your games pretty darn scary then this is the one for you. The game is based around a murder murder mystery with 8 possible murders. The game is based around making choices and deciding who lives and who dies. It’s a shame that the game did not get the hype it deserves, launched during a very crowed month of good games, Until Dawn kind of got forgotten about, which is good news now because its super cheap and gets listed in lots of sales. 

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4. Ratchet and Clank (Around £19.00)

Fancy controlling a Pixar movie? Well now is your chance. Hailed as one of Playstation’s best exclusives and one of their best looking titles, Ratchet and Clank is a great platforming game for kids and grown ass men and women alike. The gameplay is superb and so is the sotry (nothing like the movie which sucked). This game is a bargain, you cant go wrong. 

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5. Bloodborne (Around £21.50)

If you are familiar with the Dark Souls franchise this game needs no introduction. This is a game for the hardcore or people who like a challenge. The art style is gothic and the gameplay is crushing difficult but the sense of reward when you clear a boss is immense. Bloodborne has reached a level of acclaim that most games seldom achieve and can now be bagged for a budget price. 

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That's our top 5 best PS4 exclusives you can get for cheap, which of these is your favourite? Do you thing we missed one? Let us know in the comments!
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