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Sony Online Entertainment's Ultimate subscription

Today, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) have announced a brand new subscription package that covers all of their current online titles. The new package called All Access will give players the top level subscription available for each of the following titles; EverQuest, Everquest 2, DC Universe Online (PC), Planetside 2 (PC), Vanguard: Saga of Heroes and the to be released EverQuest Next and EQN Landmark. The total price for the package is a pretty slim $14.99, that currently converts to somewhere in the region of £9.06, so we'd imagine that the full package will be on the £9.99 mark in the UK.

Not only is this a fantastic subscription price for all this content but in addition you'll also get specialised promotions as an All Access subscriber as well as an immediate 10% off on in game marketplace purchases and various other perks too. The subscription will be further discounted from the monthly price of $14.99 should you choose to take out a longer subscription such as 6 or 12 months.

Yet again, Sony are showing that really care about their audience and their players. Much like the fantastic value offered by the Playstation Plus service and all it's features, the new All Access service looks to give excellent value to anyone who wishes to play any of SOE's online titles. It's also a great excuse to try them too at such a low price, it's certainly cheaper than many singular titles are.

Via: IGN

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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