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Batman Vs Superman no delays!

After the recent announcement that Warner Bros' Batman Vs Superman's release date had been pushed back many expected this would mean a delay in the movies filming schedule given the additional time. However as reported by Deadline this isn't the case. Ben Affleck has had to step down from directing duties for the pilot to Fox's upcoming new TV show 'The Middle Man' due to "production [on Batman Vs Superman] not being delayed and the main players have been summoned to start work right away".

With the recent news that Gal Gadot has confirmed that she won't be shooting any scenes for the movie until May could this mean her role is as we suggested, quite minimal in the movie? Additionally with the film shooting so soon and such a long time for production, could this rejuvenated focus be the work of redeveloping the film to work back to back with a Justice League movie? Along with all the additional casting rumours including that of Lost's Josh Holloway being touted for a potential Aquaman role, it certainly feels like there's plenty of exciting things developing behind the scenes that, as of yet we're not privy too.

What do you think about all these exciting developments? Are you still as excited for Batman Vs Superman as you were before or has the delay put you off?

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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