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The Last Of Us 2?!!

Apparently Naughty Dog is allegedly working on a second instalment of The Last Of Us their sensational and groundbreaking story driven action game from the Playstation 3 last year. According to Omelete and translated by IGN the game has already entered into production for Sony's Playstation 4.

As it has already been revealed Naught Dog's current core focus is on the new The Last Of Us DLC 'Left Behind' as well as the upcoming and recently announced Uncharted 4 for the Playstation 4. Given the quality of Naughty Dog's titles, it seems unlikely with both their core teams so preoccupied that a sequel to The Last Of Us would be in development at all yet. However and we can certainly hope that this is the case, this may be the first signs that the game is entering into pre-production. With the likely long development cycle of a Playstation 4 game i'd speculate that if this is the case we should expect to be seeing The Last Of Us 2 sometime in 2016.

How excited are you about the prospect of returning to this brilliantly realised post-apocalyptic world. I personally can't wait, no doubt there will be many questions to be answered. Given the events of the finale of the first game it'll be interesting to see which if any characters from the first game will return and indeed how the story will progress within the universe.

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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