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Kurt Cobain death investigation reopened! UPDATED!

UPDATE: It appears that you can't always trust your sources...

SupaJam report that the Seattle police have come forward to announce that “No, we have not reopened the Kurt Cobain case,” Spokeswoman Detective Renee Witt has stated. The news that was originally released via KIRO7 Seattle radio has now been debunked claiming their sources as inaccurate, Witt continued "No change, no developments, no new leads." finally suggesting that any claims otherwise were "very, very incorrect". Well that's rather disappointing for everyone involved.

Original Story is as follows:

It appears that the often questioned and theorised death of Nirvana singer and guitarist Kurt Cobain is to be reopened by Seattle police after new evidence has come to light. As reported by SupaJam the Seattle police have developed a set of 4 35mm film rolls which were previously sealed in evidence bags. Whilst these new photographs are slightly green tinted by the passage of time, it's said that they provide a much better look at the scene than the previously used polaroids taken by investigators at the time.

Given the high profile of this case, it's interesting to wonder why these photos were not developed at the time or over the almost 20 years since the death on April 8th, 1994. Conspiracy theories surrounding the death have been plentiful and so has private investigation into it as well as detailed and extensive documentaries. Whilst the singer was known for his battles with depression, many have suggested fowl play in the results of his apparent suicide from a shotgun wound to the head.

The new film evidence has been developed under high security at the king County Sheriff's Office photo lab. Will the studies into these photos bring to light a completely different story from that we know reinforcing the theories and conspiracies since the death or perhaps they'll in fact lay the case finally and concisely to rest? What do you think about the case being revisited, is it a good idea?

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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