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Little Big Planet 3 revealed for PS4

See more from E3: GAMR's E3 Hub

Little Big Planet has been an absolute gem within Sony's gaming catalogue for the PS3 ever since the first instalment was initially released way back in October 2008. The game introduced us to the cute platform character Sackboy and his imaginary dream world where you could make any platformer you wanted. This premise was fantastic and not only did the game feature a rich engaging story and an excellent 4 player cooperative mode that expanded the games deliciously addictive collecting to a new level, but it came with the most engaging level creator to ever feature on a console.

The sequel to the original title, Little Big Planet 2 further expanded on this giving players not only the ability to create platformers but the tools to make almost any other game type they could imagine, from shooters, to racing games. To top it all off, all these levels & games created by users could be uploaded online and accessed by anyone, meaning that the game literally never had to end, given the high quality user produced content we found ourselves staying engrossed and going back to delve into Sackboy's world again and again.

Needless to say we're exceptionally excited to see what will come from the newly announced Little Big Planet 3. The game is said to feature a series of new characters on top of Sackboy, with an emphasis seeming to be placed on cooperative platforming with a variety of characters who each have their own unique abilities. The awesome new characters all receive suitably fitting names with 'Oddsock', 'Toggle' and 'Swoop' being the characters shown in the gameplay trailer. 'Oddsock' appears to be faster and more versatile than Sackboy with the ability to jump higher, 'Toggle' on the other hand looks to be big and strong.

To top it all off, every level available and created by the community for both Little Big Planet 1 & 2 will be available to play from Little Big Planet 3 with updated graphics and presumably the option to tackle it with the new characters from the game. Last but not least, we don't have long to wait as Sony announced that the title will be heading to our PS4 consoles this coming November 2014.

We're huge fans of Little Big Planet, it's sensationally fun and driven by an engaged community that keeps the game flooded with encriched content. Given these exciting new characters we can't wait to get our hands on the game and delve in as soon as it's released. As of now this is definitely our pick of the titles shown at this years E3. Well done Sony, well done.

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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