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Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain is set to meet Little Big Planet 3

We've been massive fans of the Little Big Planet franchise ever since it first hit the Playstation 3 back in 2008, it was a game with style, endless playability and pure charm.With sensational sequels on both the PS3, PSP and Vita the game has iterated to become truly sensational with a rich and epic story mode and endless unique (and consistently brilliant) player created content to keep us coming back for more. One of it's greatest achievements however was the way in which it merged external IP into the rich tapestry of it's world. Back in December 2008 the 'Metal Gear Solid level pack' was released featuring a set of Metal Gear themed levels and Metal Gear Costumes, it was epic and brought new action and shooting gameplay elements to the game making a perfect marriage of both titles and being excellent fan service to fans of both games.

So, it's unsurprising to say that the potential of more Metal Gear goodies and levels coming to the upcoming Little Big Planet 3 has us chomping at the bit for more. With Little Big Planet 3 already looking set to be exceptional with a whole host of new playable characters that entirely change the games dynamic, the following Metal Gear Solid V themed teaser tweet from Sony's European Playstation account has us very excited!

The new Snake costume looks amazing, clearly based on Big Boss Snake from the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V it's a fantastic and cute reimagining of the character for the Little Big Planet world. Echoing the previously seen version of Old Snake back in the 2008 MGS level pack, it's the first of many awesome costumes that you'll be able to get as part of the new Metal Gear Solid V themed collection coming to Little Big Planet 3.

Beyond that new Big Boss costume there's a host of other characters represented by the varying new characters in Little Big Planet 3, for a look at the full collection of characters and costumes why not take a look at the image below.

Do you think you'll be grabbing these new costumes when they release? Whilst as of yet there's no defined release date for these, Little Big Planet 3 itself will be coming in the not too distant future this year on November 18th.

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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