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Here's who's (reportedly) playing our new Spider-Man!

Fresh news today has it that Sony and Marvel are very close to confirming their actor of choice to play the new Spider-Man in Marvel's Cinematic Universe. Rumours coming from the often reliable people over at Latino Review suggest that the actor Sony and Marvel have their sights on is none other than Asa Butterfield, who was on the initial shortlist of expected actors up for the role.

Asa Butterfield, for those of you who don't know has starred in movies including Hugo and Ender's Game, at only 18 years old he certainly fits the rumoured profile of a teenage high school Spidey that plot rumours have pointed to. The expectation is that the MCU's new Spider-Man will turn up for a brief cameo in next year's Captain America: Civil War - his role being critical in the comic - before a Marvel and Sony co-produced solo effort in 2017.

If Butterfield is indeed our next Spider-Man he will have managed to fend off a shortlist of talented actors that is rumoured to have contained Nat Wolff (The Fault in Our Stars), Tom Holland (The Impossible), Timothee Chalamet (Homeland) and Liam James (The Way, Way Back).

What do you think to the potential rumour that Asa Butterfield will be our new cinematic Spidey? Asa is a very talented and capable young actor and casting someone so young could be highly beneficial, giving the character longevity and room to grow alongside the ever increasing MCU. We think it's a great choice, but, what do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

Via: IGN

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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